Friday, June 21, 2024

Free Frogs by SM

Come one, come all, to the free frog store!
There’s green frogs, red frogs, blue frogs galore!
Where did they come from?
They’re from an old chum!
Oops, you tipped them over, watch them soar!

Erased From Existence: The Continuing Saga of Paper & Pen!!!! by KK

Paper: You don’t look like a writing utensil.
Eraser: I am the opposite than that actually.
Paper: What do you and who are you?
Eraser: I am an eraser. And I erase pencil.
Paper: What! How dare you!
Eraser: Chil chill chill. I only erase the mistakes Pencil makes.
Paper: Good. Good.
Eraser: I help Pencil write or draw stuff.
Paper: Nice!
Eraser: In fact I am helping him right now! (pun unintended)
Paper: Really!
Eraser: Pencil is writing this story.
Paper: Are we fake?
Eraser: No you are.
Paper: How about you?
Eraser: I am giving Pencil suggestions on how to write you.
Paper: But-but…

Who’s Fault? by KK

Paper: Who are you?

Sharpie: I am a sharpie.

Paper: What’s a sharpie?

Sharpie: Me.

Paper: Ok?

Sharpie: You will see when I write on you.

Paper: Do it. The person is not at home at this time.

Sharpie: Do you understand now?

Paper: I see… You are like a pen but write thicker.

Sharpie: Correct, I also use a different type of ink.

Paper: What’s the smell?

Sharpie: My ink.

Paper: Your ink smells? Like this?

Sharpie: Yes. So?

Paper: Why is it so bad? Pen and Pencil don’t smell at all. The whole colony of ants ran away!

Sharpie: I don’t like the smell either but you will get used to it. And it isn’t even my fault.

Paper: Yes it is.

Sharpie: No it’s not.

Paper: Then who’s fault is it?

Sharpie: It’s the person who made me’s fault.

Paper: Do you not take responsibility of your actions?

Sharpie: I do. You are the one who asked me to do it.

Paper: You could have said no. Or said we should do it outside so the smell doesn’t stay in the house.

Sharpie: You could have said that too.

Paper: How am I supposed to know that your ink smells so much?

Sharpie: Uhhhh… Sorry?

Friend or Foe? by KLB

Olivia and her best friend, Skylar, were walking to Spanish class in Raleigh Charter High School, North Carolina. Well, they were supposed to be walking alone, but some of Skylar’s other friends had tagged along. Olivia and Skylar had known each other ever since they were born. In school, Skylar was the better known of the two. All the girls wanted to be friends with Skylar, all the boys looked at Skylar, Skylar was the most popular girl in the school—even though she was just a freshman. Olivia tagged along most of the time, and her job was the brain. Everyone knew Olivia, but they just thought, Skylar’s best friend. Oliva had medium long black hair that was always straight, pale white skin, and was as short as ever. Skylar, on the other hand, had long curly blond hair and perfectly sun kissed skin and was one of the tallest girls in the grade. How they became friends again, Olivia has no clue. But Skylar was nice to Olivia.

“Crap!” Skylar exclaimed. “I forgot to do my homework! It’s still in my bag! Liv, can I copy yours? Please? Just this once?”

“Oh! You can copy mine, Sky!” a girl named Samantha offered.

“Same here!”

“Copy mine!”

“Oh, shush!” Skylar said. “I’m asking Olivia—anyway, she’s the only one that I know will get everything right.”

Olivia paused. She knew copying was bad, but she also wanted to help her friend.

“Uh, I—”

“Please?” Skylar cut off. “Pretty please? With the cherry on top?”

“Fine, here you go,” Olivia knew she couldn’t resist Skylar’s puppy dog eyes.

“Yes! Thanks bestie! Here!” Skylar squealed as she threw Olivia a fifty dollar bill. Skylar was filthy rich. She always had the new iPhone, at least five Louis Vittion bags, every single color Stanley, and so much more.

“Uh, Sky? Didn’t you mean a five dollar bill? This is a fifty dollar bill,”

“Oh, don’t be silly!” Skylar said while copying down Oliva’s homework. “I’d give you a hundred, but I only have fives and tens right now. Now let’s go, we’re gonna be late!”


Once we got there, we were late. A whole ten minutes late.

“Chicas, care to explain why you’re late?” Mrs. Garcia demanded.

“Well, you see, there was a . . . a busy hallway. So me and Liv took a different route.” Skylar explained. At the corner of Oliva’s eye, she saw Skylar drop a ten dollar bill on Tim Anderson’s desk, the linebacker on the football team. Tim had strawberry blond hair that was never tidy.

“Yeah,Mrs. Garcia, Skylar’s right. I saw a crowd starting to gather when I was heading to class. Plus, Sky texted me.” he said, holding up his phone. Olivia squinted at Tim’s

phone, instead, she saw a group text labeled, Football Team.

“Alright,” Mrs. Garcia growled. “Take a seat. Also, Ms. Skylar, it would be Liv y yo. I teach EspaƱol, not english.”

Olivia and Skylar made their way to the back of the class. Luckily, there were two open seats in the corner of the classroom. Well, it wasn’t really lucky for Olivia, as she liked to sit in the front. “Why sit in the front? The front has all the nerds and the back has all the boys,” Skylar always says. Olivia liked to sit in the front because then she could pay attention more. She was, after all, a straight A student. The only thing that Sky ever did was talk to all the boys.


After “horrible” (that’s how Skylar describes it) Spanish, we head to lunch!

“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! Do you wanna come to the football game tonight? I can get you really good seats!” Skylar yelled.

“Maybe. What time?” Olivia wondered aloud.

“It’s at six. It’ll probably end at nine or so,” Skylar answered.

“Darn. I can’t. I still have homework to do, wash the dishes, all that stuff.” Olivia said, secretly glad that she couldn’t go. Skylar was the cheer captain, and she loved it.

“What do you mean, ‘wash the dishes’? Don’t you have someone else to do it? Like a maid or a butler?” Skylar demanded.

“No, Sky. Not everyone has a personal maid, you know.” Olivia teased.

“Whatever, you know that you’re missing out on a lot, right? If we win this game . . .”

“I know, I know.” Oliva said. “Where are we sitting today?”

“Well, yesterday it was just us, so how about this time we sit with the other cheerleaders and football players, you okay with that?”
“I guess,” Oliva sighed. She wasn’t a cheerleader, unlike Skylar. She hated eating with them, but she did it for Sky.

“Let’s go, then!” Skylar exclaimed. The table was right in the middle of the cafeteria, so everyone could see them.


“Hey guys!” Skylar said. “Are you excited for the game tonight?”

“Heck yeah!” Tim responded.

“We’re gonna crush them!” Stacey Taylor, one of Skylar’s cheerleading friends, yelled. Stacey had long brown hair and offen braided it during class when she was bored.

“Love that energy!” Micheal Jones, the quarterback, said while punching the air. Olivia felt butterflies flutter in her stomach. She had had a crush on Micheal since the third grade. Micheal had jet black hair and tan-ish skin.

“Woohoo!” Skylar cheered.

“Please,” Ms. Mara’s cold voice interjected. “keep your voice down, or else there will be consequences . . .”

“Please, keep your voice down, or there will be consequences,” Skylar mocked. “I mean, honestly, it’s getting a bit old, you know.”

“For real,” Micheal agreed. “The only one who likes her is Elona—”

“—and no one likes Elona!” Skylar finished.

“Exactly!” Micheal exclaimed.

Olivia scrunched her eyebrows. Elona was a girl in their grade. She had crooked teeth and a long oval shaped head. Really short dirty blonde hair and a creepy smile. She was a math nerd like Olivia. Olivia never understood why people hated her, as Elona was always nice to them. Skylar must’ve noticed her scrunched up face because she said,

“Are you okay, Liv?”

All the sudden, in four words everybody was looking at Olivia. Waiting for a response. Olivia flushed bright red. “I-I’m fine. Just . . . Elona’s always nice to me, I guess.”

“Well,” Micheal started. “of course she’s nice to you, no offense or anything, but you’re a nerd!”

Olivia looked down and her lunch tray. Maybe it’s better if I say nothing at all.


Olivia was chilling on the couch, feeling content. She had finished all of the stuff she needed to do, so right now she had some free time. Until, of course, Skylar texted her.

Hey girl! Did u finish ur homework? The score’s 32-19!!!! Come! Pls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Skylar. Fiiiiiine. As long as u get me a good seat! Olivia responded. Olivia grabbed her coat and texted her mom telling her she was going out.

Once Olivia got to the game, she regretted it. Olivia had ADHD, which didn’t help the situation whatsoever. Olivia spotted Skylar and saw her waving her over. Olivia made her way to Skylar. Once she was there, Skylar yelled,

“Guess what?! My coach just told me: I’m doing a special part! At the end of the game! Sit right over here!” She pointed to a seat right next to all the football players on the bench.

“Cool! Good luck!” Olivia replied.

Skylar had to go back to cheerleading, leaving Olivia to watch boring football games. Lucky her.

The game kept going on and on, until Olivia saw something that peaked her interest. It was Elona Miller, sitting alone on the top of the bleachers. Well, she wasn’t really alone, as a group of boys looked like they were picking on her. Olivia liked Elona, she was nice. She might look . . . strange, but it didn’t keep Olivia from being nice to her and standing up for her. It was nearing the end of the third quarter, so she thought she should have plenty of time to have a talk with these boys.

“Excuse me, are you bothering Elona?” Olivia asked as politely as possible.

“What’s up with you, Davis?” One of the boys demanded.

“I prefer to be called by my first name, thank you,” Olivia shot back.

“Whatever. Now answer his question!” Another boy snapped.

“Well, what’s up is that Elona here is minding her own business, and you start to pick on her! What’s up with that?”

“Well, she’s not doing our homework anymore!” One of the guys said. “I-I mean—”

“You dufus!” Another guy yelled.

“You all are dufus’! You can’t even do your own homework!” Olivia snapped. “Now get away! Or I’m telling!”

So then, all of the boys, while glaring at Olivia, left Elona.

“Thanks,” Elona squeaked.

Olivia kept on talking to Elona, as she thought it was far more entertaining than watching football. They talked and talked, and Olivia was having a great time. Before she knew it— the game was over.

“See ya later, Elona!”

“You too!” Elona called.

Oh, shoot! Olivia thought. I didn’t watch Skylar’s performance! I should go and find her! Once Olivia found Skylar sitting on a bench talking to all of her cheerleading friends.

“Look who finally showed up, girls.” Skylar said while glaring at Olivia.

“Look, Sky—”

“No. Don’t waste your time. You chose Elona, someone you barely even know, to talk to like it’s any other day, over me, your best friend since birth! I told you this was important to me! I wanted you to watch! But no. Once I finished, I looked at your spot to see you gone! And then, to make matters worse, we lose the game! Micheal informs me that Little Miss Perfect has gone to talk with her nerd bff! Ridiculous!”

“Please, just let me explain—”

“No. I’ve had it with you, Olivia. I’ve made plenty of excuses for you. Plenty. This is where I’m drawing the line.”

“What do you mean, ‘drawing the line’? I let you copy my homework! I let you—”

“NO! Do you think I want to always eat lunch with you? Do you think I want to watch a movie instead of going to the school party? NO!”

And after all of Skylar’s yelling, she stormed off with all of the cheerleaders shooting death glares at Olivia.


The next few weeks were quiet. Skylar avoided Olivia, occasionally trying to trip Elona in the halls. Olivia and Elona had gotten closer over those weeks, eating lunch together, studying together. She liked it. No one asked Olivia to copy homework, and no one paid her fifty dollar bills for it either. It was relaxing. Olivia thought she’d hate not being friends with Skylar. No. To be honest, it was getting tiresome for Olivia. She didn’t wanna have to know the new “trend,” or have the newest clothes. She just wanted to be herself. And she didn’t wanna have to hate Elona to be friends with Skylar. Being kind is more important than being cool or popular.

When We Sculpted the Sky by ABV

When we sculpted the sky,
it was a beautiful day.
The sky painted blue
and the clouds painted gray.

It was oh, so perfect,
‘till it started to rain.
And all the huge puddles
seemed to be stains.

After thousands of years,
the pollution puffs came.
Then we knew that the world
would not be the same.

Rock Paper Scissors Shoot by KI

Rock Paper Scissors Shoot
Comic debate!
Vr. 1 Scissors vs Paper

Scissor: Time to start moving. Again.

Paper: P...Please don’t hurt me.

Scissor: I have to.

Paper: Please!

Scissor: I don’t care!

Paper: …

Paper: …

Paper: (mumbling)

Paper: You have to be used to even be useful!

Scissor: How dare you!

Scissor: I am far more superior than you! I win against you in Rock Paper Scissors too!

Paper: (scoffs) Yeah in a game!

Paper: You sometimes can’t even cut through cloth even though he’s softer!

Scissor: It’s, It’s the friction!

Paper: What does friction have to do with clothes?

Scissor: Everything!

Paper: Well, if you’re so sure, try to cut some steel, you oaf! That doesn't have much friction, does it?

Scissor: I can’t cut through steel! That’s a type of mineral and a mineral means a type of rock. And I LOSE against Rock!

Paper: And I win against rock!

Scissor: Aaah!

10 minutes later

Paper: Are you done?

Scissor: …yes.

Paper: You’ve defeated me again.

Scissor: ?

Paper: Are you blind? I’m in 12 million pieces both literally and mentally!

Scissor: Oh.

Paper: (sighs) This is why I hate scissors.

Scissor: Oh

Paper: (sighs)

The Bear Without Hair by LN

There once was a bear without hair.
He tried and tried, but all he could do was eat meat pies.
One day he met somebody named Pete, who had some hair to spare.
The bear without hair smiled and said; “How kind of you to share!”
The bear without hair now was the bear with lots of hair to spare!

To Bake a Cake by KLB

I went to the lake,
To make a cake
Everything was going swell,
I felt so well
To bake a cake!

Poems by KK

Question Poems

Who, when, and how did who fly up in search of land? When the bell rang, the bull with the name of Ferden and ran, climbed into its fan, and flew up in search of land.


Who and when stole my balloon? At noon, a loon, who ate with a spoon, stole your balloon.


How and who went into my pocket? Ocket the rocket flew into an electric socket. This made him skyrocket into your pocket.


What jumped over the moon? The cow that bought a house, from a rat and a mouse, jumped over the moon.


Who broke my window?! The ant that drank, the giant tank of water, and worked as a potter, fractured your window.


Normal Poems

The fire got hired to mend tires and wires, but instead got fired because he devoured the wires in flames of fire.


The top spun so much that it dented the pot. The pot got mad and got too hot and made my noodles too soft. I tried cooking something else, but then I booked a delivery instead.


The cake wasn’t baked and was shaked into a goose’s mouth when he was heading south. It had a splinter in its toe. And a printer in tow. So, he flew up, up, up and came down in one big thud.. 


I saw a bike attached to a kite, up in a tree beyond my height. As I tried to climb it with all my might, the bike fell down to my right. I picked it up and rode it around, and then realized I was at the lost and found. 

Welcome by KK The CONTINUING SAGA of Paper & Pen!

Paper: Why am I wet and who are you?! You don’t look like Pencil!
Pen: I am a pen and clearly not a pencil.
Paper: Where’s Pencil? And why am I wet?!
Pen: Have you ever been written on by a pen before?
Paper: No. Where’s Pencil?!
Pen: Pens write with a wet water like thing called ink. Pencil is somewhere else.
Paper: Water! Then I will die
Pen: Relax. Ink dries quick.
Paper: Phew…
Paper: Why is pencil somewhere else?
Pen: How am I supposed to know? Me and my friends came from Target yesterday!
Paper: Oh. Welcome to your new home then.
Pen: Thank you?


Pen: Goodmorning Pen 2,Pen 3,Pen 4,and Pen 5!
Pen 2, Pen 3, Pen 4, and Pen 5: Mornin’ Pen.
Pen: Another day trying to make people buy us.
Pen 2, Pen 3, Pen 4, and Pen 5: Yup.
Pen: Look, a person walking by! Please pick us. Please!
Pen: Nope. Not coming here.


Pen 2, Pen 3, Pen 4, and Pen 5: Do you think anybody is coming today Pen?
Pen: There is still time before the store closes. Someone hopefully will.


Pen: Somebody is approaching us!
Pen 2, Pen 3, Pen4, and Pen 5: Yes, yes!
Pen: He picked us! Yipee!

When we painted the earth by AS

We painted our world at the very beginning 

With our brushes and our paints

With vibrant colors dull ones too

That are changing every day  

One day not so long ago 

Somebody tried again

To paint the earth a little better

Than how it was back then

But sadly that day as all stories go

Something bad occurred

They spilled all their paint and their trash and their sludge

Across our beautiful earth

So if you don't quite understand

Earth was better back then

So if we do it side by side

We’ll paint the earth again

Ramadan by SM

Ramadan is wonderful,

lights all around!

We fast from dawn

until the sun is down.

We eat sweet dates

and show each other love.

We pray together

to Allah, who is watching above.

We spend a lot of time

thirty days and nights

Working hard in the month of redemption

to do what’s right.

Trees by ABV


Are tall.

Trees are wide.

Trees are full of

leaves. And when the

winter comes, it

steals the




The Winter Legend by LN

It is said that long ago, there was a penguin who granted wishes. The penguin never had a name, just was known as “The Penguin.” Once a year, The Penguin would grant one wish to one person. This year, Izzy the Ice Queen was desperate to be granted a wish. Her wish was to have powers of controlling the brutal ice storm so she could save her ill baby brother from his sickness, which had been caused by the cold. Izzy had already prepared her title, Izzy the Ice Queen, and insisted on being called just that.

“Mama, Papa! I’m going to see The Penguin now!” Izzy told her parents.

“Ok, sweetheart. See you soon!” Her mother replied.

“Good luck!” Her father smiled. Izzy smiled back and walked out of the house. Through the village she went, and down the winding path of ice and snow. She reached The Penguin’s igloo. There was a sign that said: NO ASKING FOR ANYTHING TO DO WITH MAGIC! Izzy sighed. What was she going to do now? Suddenly, she had an idea.

Once she got to the front of the line, Izzy looked The Penguin in the eyes and said

“I wish for a chance to try to earn my wish!” Izzy cried. The Penguin blinked.

“Whatever do you mean, child?”

“I want to have a trial to see if you’ll give me the power to control the weather,” Izzy demanded. “Since it’s not allowed, I figured I’d earn it.”

“Alright, then. Your trial will be one thing, but you won’t know what it is in your life. Some time today your skills will be tested, and it will determine whether you get your magic or not.”

“Okay! Thank you!” Izzy knew she’d be ready.

Izzy got home to hear some awful news.

“Izzy! I’ve got awful news! The weather is now 90 degrees! Your brother is better, but everyone else is suffering from heat stroke!” Izzy’s mother exclaimed.

“Everyone’s mad at you! They think you’re the cause, Izzy!”

“I need to get back to The Penguin!” Izzy cried, worried. The Penguin must have known her real wish was to help her brother get better and made it really hot!

“I’ve come again to tell you that I’ve realized that my wish to help my brother was selfish, because I didn’t care if it hurt anyone else, I just needed to save my brother! I’m sorry. Please undo my wish.” Izzy pleaded.

“You’ve passed the test, child. Your powers are now yours!”

“Thank you! Instead of Izzy the Ice Queen, how about Mother Nature?”

“Good choice,” The Penguin grinned. “And congrats!”

From that day on, Izzy used her powers to keep the weather evenly distributed throughout the year. Izzy never was selfish and never used her powers for her own good. She became a goddess. Some call her a myth, but just remember next time it snows and then it is 60 degrees, that Izzy, better known as Mother Nature, probably had something to do with it.

Nature is a gift given by the earth by SS

Nature is a gift given by the earth
From the ground, the soil to the dirt
The birds that fly and the wolves that roam
All find our planet
A wonderful home
The seasons change from
Spring to fall
Waterfalls rush through it all
Sunsets stretch way up high
Creating beauty for the natural eye
Pollution is a major change
That can cause the earth to be rearranged
The time to act is right now otherwise
The earth will meet its future demise
Temperatures rise all at once
Will cause severe weather fronts
Working together can stop this all
To stop the future human downfall
To save our earth
Is our main goal
Fixing what we've done
Is our toll

Piano and Piano Bench by SM

Piano (in a posh accent): I can’t even believe you sometimes! You’re over here, complaining about being sat on, and I’m the one that’s being repeatedly harassed by that five-year-old kid who just started playing piano! I swear, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought he was tone deaf…

Piano Bench (grumbling): You still get maintenance every six months. I’m lucky if someone wipes me once a year. I still have that chocolate milk stain on me from three years ago.

Piano (offended): Chocolate milk!? THAT’S YOUR WORST?! SOMEONE LEFT A HAPPY MEAL IN ME!

Piano Bench (quietly): Is it still there?

Piano (loudly): OF COURSE IT IS!

Piano Bench (hissing): Be quiet!


A loud A minor chord plays and echoes through the hallway. Piano suddenly notices that a five-year-old boy is staring at him with a lollipop in hand. The boy drops the lollipop, and he starts to cry loudly.

Piano (muttering): Serves him right.

Piano Bench glares pointedly at Piano.

Piano Bench (whispering): Now is not the time for this! You’re going to be burned if he tells!

Piano (smug): So you do care about me.

Piano Bench (surprised): Wha- That’s not the point! What am I without you? A piano bench is basically useless without a piano!

Piano (hushed): I can’t believe it. You finally admitted that I’m important!

Piano Bench (trying to change the subject): The kid’s still here. What are we going to do?

The five-year-old boy has stopped crying, and he picks up the lollipop. He runs out of the room to throw it away. He then comes back after washing and drying his hands, and starts playing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on Piano. He then stops playing and leaves.

Piano (surprised): You know, that… was actually better than usual.

Piano Bench (overjoyed): He didn’t draw on me today!

The boy comes back with his parents, and together, they all clean Piano and Piano Bench gently. The boy smiles while his parents take the Happy Meal out of Piano, and after they’re done, they leave the room silently.

Piano (touched): Wow. That was so nice of them.

Piano Bench: I feel fresher than I have in years!

Piano (brightly): Things are definitely starting to look up for us!

The Search by ED

One warm morning on Fremont street, Charlie was sitting on the big fluffy couch in his apartment living room doing his homework from Summer School. Then his dog came over and started barking. And Charlie knows that his dog only barks when there is something wrong.

Charlie asked his dog, whose name is Biscuit, “what’s wrong?”

Biscuit tilted his head toward Charlie’s room and Charlie followed him down the hallway while thinking what is wrong? When Charlie reached his room he understood why his dog was barking. Charlie’s bed was flipped over and there was a note on the underside of it. He slowly reached out and took the note and opened it. It said,

Dear friend, You have been invited to join our search to find the missing pegasus. This organization currently has five people in it. We would like you to join because we want all the help we can get and we chose you because we know that you like to solve mysteries and we also know that you hate summer school. Charlie did really hate summer school. If you would like to join the search, please leave a note on the door of your apartment. Charlie had mixed feelings about joining this secret organization. Biscuit now had left the room to eat some of his snacks. Charlie was still not sure because they didn’t give enough information so Charlie left a note on the front door of his apartment that asked for more information.

Then he went back downstairs to do more homework.

The next morning the first thing that Charlie did before going to Summer school was check the door. Sure enough there was a new letter on the door and the letter that Charlie sent was not there. On the bus, Charlie sat in his own seat and silently read the letter. The only thing that the letter said was We will tell you more until you get to the secret base. For Charlie he thought that now things were getting a bit more interesting.

That night, Charlie sat on his bed writing a short message that had two words, and those two words were I’ll join.

The next morning, the note on the door said We are glad that you joined my friend, meet us at the playground across the street from your apartment.

Charlie didn’t know how to feel when he was setting out to find the secret base.

When he was going to open the door, his mother asked from the kitchen, “where are you going my dear?” “I’m going to the park to play with my friends.” Charlie lied “okay, bye honey” his mom said “bye” Charlie said before opening the door and starting to walk towards the park. When Charlie reached the park, he saw a black cloaked figure holding a flashlight waiting for him standing next to the bench. “Hello my friend, my name is Will” the figure said and then held out his hand.

Charlie just stared at Will and then eventually said “my name is Charlie”.

Then Will said “ follow me” and with that he lifted up the bench revealing a staircase that descended into the darkness.

Will started walking down and Charlie followed. When their heads were fully underground, Will said “stop” and slid the bench back in place. As soon as the bench was in place, lights turned on revealing probably the most beautiful staircase Charlie has ever seen, The walls were marble and the railings were rimmed with diamonds. Charlie gasped and Will said “I know right, it’s beautiful but this is only part of the hideout. When the staircase ended, they emerged into a room, well you could call it that if the ceiling wasn’t as high as the world’s tallest castle. There were multiple crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a huge T.V with like ten massage chairs in front of the massive T.V. Will said “this is our lounge room”. Charlie was still speechless, still looking around the room. There were multiple tables with a lot of delicious tapestries.

Let me show you to your room. ‘Wait, hold up, I’m going to live here?” Charlie asked. “Yes, you are,” Will answered. Charlie then said “But I don’t want to” “But you have to, because now that you have agreed to join the search, you have to search much more than a few hours every day. Charlie didn’t want to leave his parents behind but he did want to see a pegasus in real life and he also really wanted to figure out stuff more than going to summer school so Charlie decided to stay. “I’m going to stay,” Charlie said. “Great now let's get going on the tour shall we?” Will asked. He led Charlie down a hallway with doors with names carved into the door. When they reached the door that said Charlie, Will opened the door and Charlie stepped inside. The room was beautiful. There was a desk, a living room, a bedroom with probably like a king sized bed. The bathroom had a hot tub and a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool. There was a shower right by the bathtub.

The living room had a T.V and a huge couch. There was a massage chair next to the couch.

The floor was polished wood. There was a little crystal chandelier in the center of the living room but the lack of windows still made the room feel not right but it was still very nice. “There are already clothes in your closet and you are required to wear this badge everyday” Will said while reaching into his pocket and pulled out a badge that had Charlie’s name embroided on it. Charlie grabbed the badge and pinned it to his shirt. Then Will said “Tomorrow meet us at the lounge in the morning and breakfast will be served.

And with that, Will left Charlie’s room and closed the door behind him.

Then Charlie took a bath in the hot tub and then headed for the closet. The clothes that were inside all had a picture of a pegasus on it. Charlie changed into the pajamas that were provided and then Carlie climbed onto the couch and watched some T.V before going to bed.

The next morning in the lounge room Charlie ate breakfast with a couple of other dudes whose names were Tom, Jack, Jason and Reid. When everyone was done eating. Will walked in and said “Everyone, today we have a new member of the search and his name is Charlie”. Then Will asked Charlie “can you please tell the rest of the group about yourself”. Charlie said “Hi everybody, my name is Charlie and I am ten years old”

Then Will said “Welcome to the search”. Then Will said that everyone was dismissed. After everyone filed out, Will told Charlie “They’re going to work on packets, the packets are what you fill out and then hand to me and then I gather that information to figure out clues to find the missing pegasus. Charlie was then sent to his room with a packet and a pencil. The questions on the packet were like, Do you know a very tall building in New York City? Charlie wrote about the World Trade Center and Empire state building for his answer. When Charlie finished his packet, he went to find Will’s room.

And when he reached it he knocked and Will answered “come in” Charlie turned the door handle and stepped into the gleaming room and went over to Will’s desk and found him sorting through papers. Charlie handed Will his packet and Will said “thank you and now you may have a snack in the lounge room.

Charlie went to the lounge room and chose to take a bag of chips and a can of Coke.

The first thing that Charlie did when he arrived at his room was crash onto the couch and watch T.V while munching on his snack. When Charlie was done eating, his door opened and Will poked his head in and said follow me we are going to play some dodgeball. Instead of going towards the lounge Will led me down the opposite side of the hallway to a shelter which had a football field, tennis court, Ice rink and a trampoline park with a line in the middle. There Jason and Jack were already jumping around in the trampoline park. When they saw Charlie, they said “Hi Charlie, are you ready to play some dodge ball with the rest of the group?” “Sure but where are th…” before he finished his sentence two people came marching in. Apparently their names were Reid and Tom and they were obviously deep in conversation but as soon as they saw the rest of the group staring at them, they stopped and were about to apologize but before they could start,WIll held out his hand to stop them and said “No worries, Now does everyone here know how to play dodgeball?” “Yes” everyone said at the same time. “Well then let's get started, and I will play, so who are our team captains?”

Later that afternoon when they finished lunch, everyone got new packets and headed to their rooms. The new packet had the same type of questions as the other one and when he finished he went to Will’s room and was about to knock but then he saw a slit in the door and above it, it said, insert packet here. So Charlie slid his packet through the slit and a few seconds later he heard Will call out from his room “Thanks Charlie, now go get a snack.” Charlie chose to eat the same as last time he took a break. That night Charlie thought about how much he had accomplished in the last two days. When he first arrived, he felt like he didn’t belong and now Charlie felt that he kind of did.

Giant 7-foot cockroach fights with nutty squirrel in New York Times Square! by KI

On June 17, 2024, a massive cockroach emerged from the ground demanding to see its oldest and fiercest rival, the nutty squirrel! Panicked civilians called 911 time and time again, even getting the attention of the US military, making not only the US but the entire world on edge. Finally after hours of panic, 2 helicopters, a Sherman tank, and a few dozen soldiers, a single squirrel, grayed with old age, came stumbling out of the crowd and talked with scrappy voices to the horrifying monster. The battle had begun. The battle raged on for days before the nutty squirrel bit through the front two legs of the cockroach with its teeth bringing down the cockroach on its knees. They made a new alliance to last for two thousand more fortnights, promising each other that they will not bring any more destruction to planet earth.

Witnesses are saying it was truly “The battle of the century”.

About Chinese New Year by ED

Chinese New year is on January 29 each year on the Lunar Calendar. Chinese New year is a holiday to celebrate the New Year. It’s not just celebrated in China but celebrated worldwide.

On Chinese New Year in China you're supposed to wear red, clean your house so you dust away bad luck from last year. You're also supposed to avoid negative words and not use scissors. For food you usually eat dumplings and noodles. You eat noodles for Happiness and Longevity. Dumplings are a symbol of wealth because of how it’s shaped like an ancient Chinese gold ingot. Another tradition on Chinese New Year is Dragon and Lion dances which are performed to bring prosperity and good luck for the upcoming year.

Chinese New year is also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival. Chinese New Year lasts about 16 days. A tradition on Chinese New Year is to set off fireworks because in China fireworks are used to drive away evil. Trading Red Envelopes is another tradition on Chinese New Year. You trade Red Envelopes on Chinese New year because they are symbolic of the giver's well-wishes for the recipient.

The Story Of The Beast Nian. In ancient Chinese mythology, there used to be a terrifying beast that lived under the sea named Nian. Every New Year's Eve Nian would go to Chinese villages at night to eat people and Nian liked little kids the most. Villagers were afraid of Nian until one day an old man came to the village and told them that Nian is afraid of loud noises and the color red. So that New Year's Eve, People in the village wore red, hit drums and set off fireworks and when Nian Came to the Village that night, it was scared and ran away and was never heard of again.

That’s why we wear red and set off fireworks when it’s Chinese New Year.

Nature's Orchestra by KI

Nature’s Orchestra

The cicadas play cello

And the winds play flute

Edge of World by NA

At the edge of the world, nothing lies there except the four pillars. Humans used to believe that the Edge was inexplorable, but they’re long gone by now. But I’m different.

Their weak minds would have never allowed them to pass into the hidden lands. But my mind is stronger, and my willpower exceeds all. I will conquer, and I will reign.


Something I think is a thing that kids and adults should address is having confidence. Having confidence means you can walk into a room wearing something other people don't think looks good and not care because you like it. It means when the teacher calls on you in class you can raise your hand and give answers. Having confidence also means that you know that the answers you give will not always be correct and you acknowledge that fact.

In everyday life having low self confidence is not a good thing. If you have low self confidence you are less likely to do things you think are the right thing to do because you will end up questioning your own judgment.

On the other hand being overconfident is also not a good thing because you can come off as rude and it will look like you think you are better than anyone which will make people not want to be around you.
So if you shouldn’t be overconfident but you also shouldn't have low self confidence either, then you have to be confident right? But what is confidence exactly? There are a lot of answers to that question but confidence is when you feel sure about your actions and when you believe in yourself. Overconfidence is when we believe in our abilities too much and we lose sight of the fact that we are not always right. Underconfidence on the other hand is when we don't believe in ourselves enough and we question our own judgment.

I know that sometimes I'm overconfident and sometimes I’m under confident but I know from personal experience that having friends to help you remember your place or remember just how much you can do really does help

Sometimes you might have a lot of confidence for a few particular things and not as much for other things, and that's totally okay! You don't have to know everything but you shouldn’t think you know nothing either because you know enough!


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The most beautiful thing you can ever wear is confidence” - Blake Lively
“With confidence you have won before you started - Marcus Garvey

Nightmarish Dreams by AS

If you were to close your eyes
And slowly drift away
Be careful to only trust dreams
For nightmares will lead you astray

To trust a dream will take you off
to places far away
Bright summer meadows, oceans blue
Happiness blooms all around with not an ounce of gray

But nightmares are never quite the same
To stand in haunted fields of gray
To wake up in a scared cold sweat
It will haunt your mind all day

Dreams aren't white
Nightmares aren’t black
Your mind’s fantasies are gray
Life will show you just that

Your mind is not nearly as clear cut as it seems
Sometimes nightmares will haunt you to the point where they’re dreams
And dreams will lift your spirits till you are sad
And neither yet both brings new spirit to add

In your head nightmares aren’t shrouded in robes
Of black, gray, and silver white
But rather they are glowing
With a shining golden light

But they can be distinguished from dreams if you would
With the eerie whispers that surround them
And the dreams have song like a warm shimmery light
Which fully and completely envelop them

And that is why you must be careful to only trust dreams
That lead you to magical worlds far away
And to make sure you don't follow nightmares
That will eventually lead you astray

Escape! by KK

Paper: Ow! Why did you do that?!
Pencil: Sorry! This person pushed me too hard.
Paper: He ran away! Why?
Pencil: I think he just realized that we can talk.
Paper: Can you patch me up?
Pencil: What if he figures out and sees that we can move?
Paper: He might call the police
Pencil: Then what do we do?
Paper: We can just start pretending again.
Pencil: Fine. How big of a rip is it?
Paper: It is very small.
Pencil: Why do you want me to patch it up then?
Paper: What if he finds out I can heal?
Pencil: He might try to put us in the trash.
Paper: We would stay trapped!
Pencil: We could just get out of there when he is sleeping.
Paper: Nice idea.


Paper: Is he going to come back?
Pencil: Let’s wait a little more. He might be hiding somewhere to catch us.


Paper: I don’t think he is trying to catch us.
Pencil: He hasn’t come in a long time either. In fact, nobody is in this house.
Paper: I think he left for good!
Pencil: Are we free?
Paper: I believe we are.
Pencil: Then what are you waiting for? Pencil and Paper: Let’s get out of here!!! Freedom!!

No pineapple on pizza by JL

(do not feel offended)

54% of Americans dislike the thought of having the pizza, they say that the sweetness of the pineapple does not taste good next to the salty flavor and the sauce. Personally, I believe that cooked pineapple on a pizza with meat is a recipe for disaster and that this combination is both horrible and not Hawaiian. Next the creator of pineapple on pizza, Sam Panoppoulos, was an immigrant from Greece that moved to canada made it as a marketing ploy and didn't ever try it before putting on the menu and said after he liked the combination in the pizza, that's what everyone hates, and even the president of Iceland. Lastly the controversy has lasted through and through since 2017 when it was most well-known but it has been happening since it was created in 1962.

Peer Pressure by SS

Something that I care a lot about is understanding peer pressure. Many people experience this everyday without realizing it. Peer pressure is hard to understand, but it’s a part of everyday life. People that surround you influence you in many different ways, both good and bad. Over time it can create positive and negative impacts on your health.

Peer pressure is extremely persuasive, and it’s hard to say no. People want to fit in with others, but a lot of the time, it backfires. For example, it can cause someone to change their personal style of clothing and force them to spend unnecessary money. Many people think that fitting in will keep them happy, but it normally does the opposite. It can make people upset and worried that something they love or like is hated by others.

Peer pressure can also have serious effects on your health. For example, if a lot of people smoke you might think that it would be better to join them. This can cause serious problems in the future. A popular saying is, “if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do that?” This saying shows that peer pressure is dangerous and also hurtful.

Of course peer pressure can be used to a positive effect. For example, it can help motivate your friends who are a little too nervous to do something. It can help kids stand up for themselves and trust themselves more too. Peer pressure can be used to help others believe in themselves and make them feel welcome and happy.

Saying no is hard but essential to deal with peer pressure. It could cause you to lose someone you care about which is hard but important for your health. Even though someone pushes you to do something, you should always know you have a choice. It is up to you if what they are offering is right or wrong for you. You should always trust your gut feeling because it normally tells you if something is off or wrong.

A place that has a lot of good examples of peer pressure is in a middle school. For example, kids might threaten you to give them something in exchange for keeping a secret. Sometimes some kids might bring others down or push them to give up what they believe in. Some people might even bully others to fit in or to make them feel strong and in control of things.

Peer pressure doesn't only happen in person, it can also happen online. For example, people can make hurtful comments on others’s posts. This can be hurtful and also lower their self esteem. People can also convince you to do a “prank” that could put yourself and others in danger or trouble. Others could also try to get personal information by making up lies, such as this website is completely safe.

Finally, the point I am trying to make is to trust yourself. Every day, people will try to change something about you no matter how old you are. Know that you don’t have to appease everyone and as long as you are doing something that you enjoy, that's all that matters. Just know that no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and it is completely normal, all you have to do is stay true to yourself.


Interview with ABV by MK

Q1: What is your safe place?
A1: My bed

Q2: What’s the best thing you’ve eaten/drank?
A2: Apple juice in Japan

Q3: Where would your dream house be located?
A3: On a beach

Q4: How did you meet your best friend?
A4: On the first day of 3rd grade

Q5: If you could time travel where would you go?
A5: 3024 to the future to see what it’s like

Q6: If you could time travel, who would you talk to?
A6: My future grandchildren

Q7: What is your weirdest dream?
A7: I was in my preschool and my favorite toy turned into a secret passage with people pushing carts and watermelons falling

Q8: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A8: Software engineer or architect

Q9: What is your favorite book/series?
A9: The Percy Jackson series

Q10: What is your favorite TV show or movie?
A10: National Treasure: Edge of History.

Farmer sues flood for trespassing and destroying his fence! by MK

Two days ago, a farmer in Ddhsjnm a town in the country of Swhsj had his fence broken by a major flash flood in the area. His farm is privately owned so not only did the flood destroy the fence- it also trespassed on private property.

The farmer, obviously distraught, was given the advice to sue the flood itself! A trial will be held in the following days and the rightful criminal will be punished accordingly.

Adjkf, Me82iehs a world famous lawyer says, “I will not stop until justice is served”! He is now working on suing the flood but is finding it difficult because the flood will not share its side of the story or its personal information.

Supergiant by ABV

Stars are big,
stars are bright.
Stars are visible through the night.
Stars are blue,
stars are bold.
Stars are billions of years old.

Stolen Spotlight by LN

Caroline and her best friend, Hannah, walked through the halls of Gilop high school, heading towards their language arts class.

“I hope Mrs. Josie is back,” Hannah sighed. “Mr. Oporu is so annoying! He hates my writing. You know that I want to be an author, and his criticism is not helping my self-confidence.”

“I like him better. Mrs. Josie is so nice that she doesn’t give any feedback, and it drives me nuts!”

“Easy for you to say. You’re his favorite student!” Hannah whispered as they entered the classroom.

“I’m not sure about that…”

“Hey! My favorite student! Hi, Caroline! Oh, and hi, Hannah.”


“Hannah, he just didn’t see you,” Caroline smiled. “He greets everyone else that he sees the same way!”

“Caroline, don’t be modest. You know as well as I do that you’re his favorite student.” Hannah told her friend.

“Class, settle down. I have an announcement from Mrs. Josie. Please put your attention on me, because this is very important.” Mr. Oporu demanded. “Your teacher wanted me to tell you that one person in this class will be a published author. I will keep a ranking board over whose story is winning so far. But, your teacher, Mrs. Josie, will judge the final results. Everyone in the school will participate. The chances of you being a published author are very high, now. DON'T screw it up. That’s all. Now, today our class will read Moby Dick…”

“Caroline, this is my chance! I can publish a book!”

“Shh. I’m trying to listen.”

“Caroline, I’m going to publish a book! It’s a big deal. Don’t tell me to shush!”

“Hannah!!! Don’t be such a nuisance!!” Caroline screamed. Hannah pinked. The whole class stared at Hannah.

“Something wrong, Caroline? Come see me after class.”

“Yes, sir.” For the rest of class, Hannah and Caroline shot glares at each other.

After class, Caroline went up to Mr. Oporu and waited.

“Caroline, you are one of the best students I’ve ever had. You are an exceptional writer, especially considering you’re a 15-year-old freshman, so I wanted to tell you that I am a publisher. I’m on the hunt for talented writers. Mrs. Josie hired me so that she could have a break and one of you could get a published book. Well, the competition is a motive. You don’t need a motive. I want to publish your book, Elizabeth and Matt, a Love Tale. Do I have your permission?” Caroline sighed in relief. She had thought she was in trouble. But, even thoughiHannah’s dream was to be a writer, Caroline had also had the same dream.

“I’d love that! Thank you so much!”

“You’re very welcome. It’ll be published by tomorrow!”

“That’s so soon! I can’t wait!”

“Can you get the story from your desk?”

“Of course!” Caroline gushed. She went to her desk and got her story. Mr. Oposu was eating a bag of Cheetos when she got back, and his fingers were covered in cheese dust. Ew!

“Here you go!”

“Thanks again!” Suddenly, A ring tone went off. It was Hannah’s ringtone.

“Hannah?” Caroline asked, confused.

“Sorry! I needed to know if you were in trouble, and-”

“Hold on, Hannah.”

“No, go ahead! I’m all done.”

“Thanks, Mr. Oposu!”

When the two girls reached the Cafeteria for lunch, the girls had their conversation.

“You’re publishing a book? That’s my dream!”

“Sorry! But I'm allowed to publish a book, too. You're not the only one. Also, you were spying on me. Why?” Caroline and Hannah continued arguing, until they decided to both forgive each other.

The next day, Caroline bounced through the halls. Everyone was reading her book! It wasn’t until she opened her locker that she saw it. Her story had kindly been returned by Mr. Oposu, but the author's copy of the book had the name Hannah Smith on the cover.


Hannah walked with Caroline to the cafeteria.

“Hannah, why did you publish my book?”


“Look at this! Don’t act stupid. There’s proof right here!” Hannah grabbed the book and gasped.

“Caroline, I was jealous, but I would never do something like that. Especially not to you!” Caroline sighed, snatched the book, and stomped away.

Caroline got home and sighed. She took out the printed paper copy of her story. Then she noticed something. There was Cheeto dust on the paper. Caroline gasped.

“Oh no! It was Mr. Oposu! I can’t believe I wasn’t more suspicious. He appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly I’m published! I have to call Hannah!” Caroline realized. Hannah answered.


“Hannah! I’m so sorry. I need to tell you something…” Caroline told her the whole story.

“Well, the copy I bought says his name on it. He must have tricked you into thinking it was me so he could have the credit!”

“The nerve!”

“But we have no proof!”

“Yeah we do. The whole story is proof! So are the two different copies of the book, and my printed paper copy with the Cheeto dust.”

“Yeah! Let’s do this!” Hannah cried enthusiastically.

The two girls emailed the police. Mr. Oposu was arrested and the book was published as a book by Caroline Green. Summer had arrived, and Caroline and Hannah were walking in the park.

“I’m sorry I was so rude to you. I should have trusted you. You’re my best friend!” Caroline apologized.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry I was so jealous. I should have been happy for you.”

“It’s fine, Hannah.” Caroline beamed. They hugged each other.

“I have an idea!” Hannah exclaimed. “We should write a book together!” And that’s exactly what they did. They called it Stolen Spotlight. It was a story about them, and that’s the way it needed to be. After all, friendship is the most powerful thing in the world. And with it on your side, you can accomplish anything.

Mr. Fluffy On Trial!!!! by JL

Mr.fluffy is being put on trial for stealing important documents and purposefully burning them

Mr.fluffy a persian cat is facing a 15000 dollar fine and 28 years of prison, the cat was found smashing 2 cameras outside the building and when the workers went outside to shoo him away he ran inside and made his break for the secretary’s office. Before Mr.fluffy could get to the drawer he saw the secretary’s lunch and ate it before promptly locking the door so the secretary couldn't get in. Then Mr.fluffy saw the drawers that he wanted to open and then he got to work eating up all the important paper, he took 15 minutes per drawer and when he was done he just opened the window and jumped out. He is now being prosecuted for his robbery and will hopefully be prosecuted so that we can all sleep comfortably that he won't attack your business.

Change My World by NA

I boot up my controller, get some snacks, and delve into the world of Super Smash Bros. My room is filled with music and color, not just from the game but from my environment.

I could just stay here forever, but unfortunately, life isn’t like that. If life was as logical as a game, then the world would be a better place.

I’ve realized that the world could use some fixing, and if nobody’s going to do it, I will. I’ll make the world my utopia. Nobody will stop me.

Road Construction by LN

Road construction is very annoying. The road has to be under construction for so long. Like, hurry it up, people! It doesn’t take 6 months to fix a road! Another thing: Pick ONE road, FINISH the project, THEN pick another road! Someone has to get it right once in a while. It’s not rocket science, only road science. It’s not even science! It's a simple thought. Thinking that some people need to use the roads would be courteous. Instead, they leave the closed signs up just to be mean. NOT COOL! Well, if I’m being honest, it’s not just road construction. I see outside my house, (since there is construction by my house,) that one person does all the work, and the others are just on their phones. They get paid to be on their screens! How is that fair? My parents go to work and would get fired if they got caught doing that. All of this “Oh, we’re special and perfect and we can get away with it” is just crap! It’s so annoying, and it HAS to stop! Also, by my house, there are about 5 roads under construction that have been under construction for 2 months so far, and not much is even done. There’s a car wash and dog groomers that’s been under construction for the same amount of time and it’s already done. It’s unbelievable. I hope it gets fixed soon, or my parents and I will probably complain to the company! This had better get fixed, or I’m going to go MAD. I’ll end up in a mental hospital because of road construction! File in the troops… It’s time to take charge! World War 3 will now begin! Justice will be served.

Society Will Soon be Destroyed by Makeup! by LN

In the last week, thousands of girls stole money from their parents to get money to buy makeup. Parents are concerned about why their daughters are so into makeup. Most think that it’s because all of their role models are wearing a lot more makeup than you should wear. The Supreme Court is thinking about banning makeup overall for everyone's safety. They don’t want the government destroyed! That would mean no more makeup for ANYONE. Selling makeup would become illegal, with the same consequences as owning dangerous drugs. What they didn’t think about is that all the citizens would be very mad if they heard this news.

The little girls and adults heard this and are going mad, stocking up on makeup. Soon they’ll be broke, and society could get destroyed.

Earth by VRM

Mother nature created this,
The Earth.
The sky.
The soil.
But then we had to have it our way,
And we set the Earth to boil.
Leaves on trees began to brown,
But we still went on,
Wearing our pride like a crown,
The life in seas began to fall
But we didn’t care, we went on dumping trash by the haul.
But then one day,
Someone realized.
They turned it all around.
The forests we had so despised,
Were growing from the ground.
The grass turned green
How the birds did sing
The flowers were in blooming again
Their buds growing from the little stem.
And again the Earth was green.
And again the Earth was clean.

Interview by LN

Q. Who is your role model and why?

A. My mom because she had a really good job and quit to be an artist, and now she’s in the top 100 female artists in the world.

Q. What is your dream life?

A. A normal life, comfortable, the same, just with a phone.

Q. What is the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?

A. I had a wooden kitchen, and my mom had a creepy alarm, and I was playing in the kitchen and the alarm went off and I fell on prickles, then “woke up” 7 times before I actually woke up. I was 3 years old.

Q. What is your favorite food and why?

A. A lot of different foods, so I can’t choose just one.

Q. What is the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

A. A lot of good and bad things have happened to me.

Q. What is your favorite genre of books?

A. Fiction and romance. I think that they are both interesting and fun to read.

Q. Who is your best friend, and how did you meet them?

A. Sara, at a playground. Sara asked me to play and I said yes, and we became best friends. My other best friend, Aradhya, and I met in fifth grade and we became best friends.

Q. When was the last time you went out of the country, if ever?

A. This spring break, I went to Jamaica, and we go to India every other year.

Q.How do you feel about writing poetry?

A. I REALLY like it. I feel like it comes naturally to me, and I'm really bad at nonfiction.

Q. What is your favorite hobby and why?

A. Cooking because I was taught when I was little by my mom, and art, because I really like it.

Pen and Pencil by KLB

Pen: I can’t believe so many people use pencils, pens are way better than pencils.

Pencil: No they’re not! If you make a mistake with a pen, you can’t erase it!

Pen: Still. With pens, you have so much more variety, but with pencils, it’s always the same.

Pencil: Pencils are way cheaper than pens! At some stores you can get a pack of pencils for under a dollar! But for pens, it’s at least a dollar each!

Pen: That’s because we’re BETTER than pencils!

Pencil: Well in school, what do most kids use? Pencils!

Pen: And at work? Pens!

Pencil: I just don’t see how you still think you’re better than me. Isn’t it obvious?

Pen: What’s obvious? That pens are better than pencils? I’d agree with that!

Pencil: You’re ridiculous! Pencils will always be better than pens. It’s a fact that no one can deny.

Skit by KLB

Sarah: I don’t have any good candy at home, do you have any good recommendations?

Kim: Well, it depends on what you like: fruity candy or chocolate candy?

Sarah: I like both, but I’m sick of fruity candy! I want something new.

Kim: Well, do you like Reeses?

Sarah: I was thinking about something smaller, like, I dunno, Skittle size?

Kim: Oh! Perfect! I know just the thing: Reeses Pieces! Reeses Pieces are the same size as Skittles but are even better! Reeses Pieces, even though they’re tiny, still have flavor packed into them.

Sarah: Great! I’ll go and get some now!

War Is A Prison by VRM

War is a prison
Trapping people inside of its jaws.
Jaws of hate
War is not one to tell you your fate.
All you can do is hope for the best
As this prison will give you no rest.
The bombs and guns will shatter your ears
And when the dust finally clears,
You will only see more hate.
Try as you might you will never escape
And forever it will change your heart’s shape.
Because war is a prison,
Trapping people and keeping them in.

My Snowman by ABV

My snowman is tall,
made of three spheres.
He has some earmuffs,
but not any ears.
When his nose is placed,
he begins to play.
When the sun goes down,
he sleeps until day.

Interview by KLB

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity and why?
A: J.K. Rowling because I like her books.
Q: What’s your favorite city in Minnesota?
A: St. Paul.
Q: Who’s your role model?
A: My dad.
Q: What’s your favorite pizza?
A: My favorite food is pizza.
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: I draw in my free time.
Q: What’s your dream job?
A: Find solutions for cancer.
Q: Who is someone you dream to meet?
A: I wanna meet some of my childhood friends.
Q: What’s your dream life?
A: A normal, simple life
Q: What’s your favorite store?
A: My favorite store is Target.