Friday, June 21, 2024


Something I think is a thing that kids and adults should address is having confidence. Having confidence means you can walk into a room wearing something other people don't think looks good and not care because you like it. It means when the teacher calls on you in class you can raise your hand and give answers. Having confidence also means that you know that the answers you give will not always be correct and you acknowledge that fact.

In everyday life having low self confidence is not a good thing. If you have low self confidence you are less likely to do things you think are the right thing to do because you will end up questioning your own judgment.

On the other hand being overconfident is also not a good thing because you can come off as rude and it will look like you think you are better than anyone which will make people not want to be around you.
So if you shouldn’t be overconfident but you also shouldn't have low self confidence either, then you have to be confident right? But what is confidence exactly? There are a lot of answers to that question but confidence is when you feel sure about your actions and when you believe in yourself. Overconfidence is when we believe in our abilities too much and we lose sight of the fact that we are not always right. Underconfidence on the other hand is when we don't believe in ourselves enough and we question our own judgment.

I know that sometimes I'm overconfident and sometimes I’m under confident but I know from personal experience that having friends to help you remember your place or remember just how much you can do really does help

Sometimes you might have a lot of confidence for a few particular things and not as much for other things, and that's totally okay! You don't have to know everything but you shouldn’t think you know nothing either because you know enough!


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The most beautiful thing you can ever wear is confidence” - Blake Lively
“With confidence you have won before you started - Marcus Garvey

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