Friday, June 21, 2024

The Winter Legend by LN

It is said that long ago, there was a penguin who granted wishes. The penguin never had a name, just was known as “The Penguin.” Once a year, The Penguin would grant one wish to one person. This year, Izzy the Ice Queen was desperate to be granted a wish. Her wish was to have powers of controlling the brutal ice storm so she could save her ill baby brother from his sickness, which had been caused by the cold. Izzy had already prepared her title, Izzy the Ice Queen, and insisted on being called just that.

“Mama, Papa! I’m going to see The Penguin now!” Izzy told her parents.

“Ok, sweetheart. See you soon!” Her mother replied.

“Good luck!” Her father smiled. Izzy smiled back and walked out of the house. Through the village she went, and down the winding path of ice and snow. She reached The Penguin’s igloo. There was a sign that said: NO ASKING FOR ANYTHING TO DO WITH MAGIC! Izzy sighed. What was she going to do now? Suddenly, she had an idea.

Once she got to the front of the line, Izzy looked The Penguin in the eyes and said

“I wish for a chance to try to earn my wish!” Izzy cried. The Penguin blinked.

“Whatever do you mean, child?”

“I want to have a trial to see if you’ll give me the power to control the weather,” Izzy demanded. “Since it’s not allowed, I figured I’d earn it.”

“Alright, then. Your trial will be one thing, but you won’t know what it is in your life. Some time today your skills will be tested, and it will determine whether you get your magic or not.”

“Okay! Thank you!” Izzy knew she’d be ready.

Izzy got home to hear some awful news.

“Izzy! I’ve got awful news! The weather is now 90 degrees! Your brother is better, but everyone else is suffering from heat stroke!” Izzy’s mother exclaimed.

“Everyone’s mad at you! They think you’re the cause, Izzy!”

“I need to get back to The Penguin!” Izzy cried, worried. The Penguin must have known her real wish was to help her brother get better and made it really hot!

“I’ve come again to tell you that I’ve realized that my wish to help my brother was selfish, because I didn’t care if it hurt anyone else, I just needed to save my brother! I’m sorry. Please undo my wish.” Izzy pleaded.

“You’ve passed the test, child. Your powers are now yours!”

“Thank you! Instead of Izzy the Ice Queen, how about Mother Nature?”

“Good choice,” The Penguin grinned. “And congrats!”

From that day on, Izzy used her powers to keep the weather evenly distributed throughout the year. Izzy never was selfish and never used her powers for her own good. She became a goddess. Some call her a myth, but just remember next time it snows and then it is 60 degrees, that Izzy, better known as Mother Nature, probably had something to do with it.

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