Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ducks in england escape farm and nearly drown someone by Unknown

The ducks had escaped on a Tuesday morning and the flock swam down the nearest river, once they left the river they decided to fly to the nearest landmark, the London eye, they flew to the top with the entire flock sitting on the top of the pod before flying off to bully an icecream man and steal the keys to the truck and driving the truck into the river Thames.

The icecream man escaped and the ducks enjoyed the popsicles as they watched the ice cream truck get rescued from the water, they swam off together when they realized the police were coming and the farm is still searching for the ducks and if they get caught they will get prosecuted with 100 hours of community service the search has had no luck, the police will give rewards to anyone with information of these ducks.

Tears are unspoken emotions by SS

People are hard to understand
Especially when they bury emotions on private land
Every tear is a unspoken emotion
That bubbled up till it exploded
When you cry it can’t be contained
It's better to let it out like summer rain
Everyone has highs and lows
It's just the way that life will flow
Every tear contains 10 unspoken words
When you let them go they will
Fly like a bird
Circling higher and higher then eventually
Fading away getting you ready for a new day

My Tiny Mice by SM and ABV

Looking around through the grains of rice,

wondering, “Where are my tiny mice?”

“Oh no!” My mom yells.

I wait for her. “Tell!”

Then she screams, “In the fridge!” Not nice.

I open the door of the fridge,

to see my mice building a bridge.

Two mice on the ends,

three trying to send

a piece of cheese over the ridge.

They march in a row, one by one.

The first says, “Are we almost done?”

“No,” say the others.

“Wait!” Says my brother.

The mice drop the cheese and run.

I give them back their rightful cheese,

and ask, “Will you go back home, please?”

They decide to rebel,

and then say farewell,

while closing the door on my knees.

Alien spacecraft lands in the Himalayas by AS

For what is believed to be the beginning of a worldwide alien takeover, multiple UFOs landed on mount Everest in the Himalayas on Friday, May 13, 2024. Since then they have been making their way to the bermuda triangle with multiple stops to places such as McDonalds, Target, The Roman Colosseum, and a planetarium in Ontario, Canada. 

The aliens are still en route to their destination making multiple detours for unknown reasons. They have committed many minor crimes such as stealing a dozen Mc chicken burgers, seven tennis rackets and an empty fish tank. Experts say that they will reach their destination on June 13, 2024 and will be determined to destroy the world, one McDonalds at a time….

Cat Grows To Be The Size Of The Eiffel Tower And Destroys billion-dollar neighborhood by SS

The United Kingdom was devastated by the loss of one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the world. Around 4 AM a cat drank what looked like a diet coke and grew to the size of the Eiffel tower, it went on a rampage and destroyed the entire neighborhood including 6 bouncy mansions. The government is at a loss to figure out how to rebuild the billionaire community. According to several witnesses the huge feline started running around crashing into buildings in shock of growing so large, its 20 foot claws destroyed millions of dollars worth of inflatable bouncy houses and swimming pools. The only time it calmed down was when it stopped at wendys to get 10,000 fries and 90,0000 burgers. The entire area is permanently out of fries and burgers for the next 100 years.

The government was forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on catnip to make the cat calm down and thousands more to get it back to normal…….

An Interview with V by LF

N: What's your darkest fear and why?
V: All my loved ones dying.
N: How did you get your name?
V: My parents went to a town and decided they liked the name so they said that the first daughter they had was going to be named Vienna.
N: What's your favorite animal and why?
V: Zebras, because they have cool patterns and they have good camouflage tactics.
N: If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
V: Morrocco, because my parents have been there and said it was cool.
N: If there was another subject in school what would it be and why?
V: Travel class so people can have new experiences and people can learn about different cultures.
N: What's your favorite sport and why?
V: Gymnastics because there's a different variety of activity.
N: Who's your best friend and why?
V: Lillianna because she is really nice and she considers other people.
N: What's your favorite language and why?
V: Russian because even if I can't speak it when other people speak it it sounds really pretty.
N: What was your favorite place and why?
V: Michigan, because I spent most of my life there and I thought it was nice.
N: What's your comfort zone and why?
V: For books my comfort zone is murder mysteries and comic books.

Dog kills old man! by LF

Old man was sleeping on his couch and his dog Blueberry wanted to go on a walk so the Blueberry tried to wake up his owner Blueberry licked the old man tugged his ear, tugged his nose, tugged his leg Blueberry tugged almost every part of his body then got too impatient and threw a tennis ball at him with his mouth!

He did that a couple of times but the man just wouldn't wake up then Blueberry noticed that he didn't tug one part of the man's body the chest so Blueberry walks over to the man and grips the chest a little too hard, bites into the heart and pulls strongly. The man opened his eyes for a millisecond then closed them. The man's neighbor comes over a week later for their usual dinner.

The neighbor lets himself in and finds the man still laying on the couch so his neighbor checks if his heart was beating when he found that it wasn't he called 911. They came as fast as they could and told the man's neighbor the bad news.

Ostriches Are Better Than Emus by NC

Ostriches are better than emus! No you cannot change my mind they're stupid, they're cute and there just better.

Ostriches are proven to be nicer while emus have killed and injured many people. I'm not saying that emus are terrible things and should never exist, I'm just saying they're not my favorite in the slightest and I dislike them very much. According to https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/hwi/vol13/iss2/12/ emus kill 440 people a year while ostriches kill around 240 also according to https://backyardpoultry.iamcountryside.com/poultry-101/my-experience-raising-emus-they-make-great-pets/ and i quote “male emus are tamer than females. They have the brooding instinct therefor they tend to be friendlier”

As i said in the 2 paragraph emus tend to be meaner and not as good pets.

Ostriches are better because even though they may be more violent they are more help full for transportation and for feathers and tend to be more cute also ostriches can protect you from danger with there fast speeds like a lion and good eyesight to see there predators also all of these facts came from https://www.al.org.au/ostrich-emu-farming#:~:text=Both%20have%20very%20primal%20responses,nature%20%5B4%2C%205%5D.

Emus are better than ostriches is what a lot of people say but maybe emus are better because they are nicer more people like them also they enjoy human contact more and when having contact with humans from a young age they tend to love humans more than so they just end up being more loved not as useful and just as cute.

In conclusion emus and ostriches are pretty similar but now research changed my mind. I now feel that emus are better and more kind. I hope you enjoyed my story the end.

Dog Charged for Murder After Popping Giant Balloon and Drowning Owner! by ABV

Last month, on May 28th, 2024, Charlie, a Chihuahua, murdered his owner, Mellisa Krahs during an epic water balloon fight for his owner’s daughter’s seventh birthday party at their small home.

Mellisa’s husband, Gerald Krahs was away for a work trip and was not notified until he came home a week later. His wife was laying in the yard, her face a ghostly shade of white, while Charlie was whimpering next to her. The daughter, Katie Krahs would not come out of her room and had starved herself for 5 days. Afterwhich, when Gerald confronted Katie angrily, she cried that the Chihuahua popped the special giant balloon that they were saving for the end of the party. Gerald Krahs was enraged at this shocking news, so he sued his own dog for murder and had Charlie arrested. Let's hear what Charlie the Chihuahua has to say at his murder trial.

Before the trial, Charlie and the famous dog whisperer, Nac Saap, contacted the press. Charlie furiously barked and howled at the press, and later was translated. “Charlie says, ‘I thought my owner bought a new kind of treat. It was huge! About 5 feet long and 2 feet tall. I was so excited! Also, my owner forgot to leash me before she brought out the big balloon. Isn’t that crazy?’” Saap said.

During the trial, Gerald Krahs burst into tears when explaining what happened to his wife. “Charlie pounced on my wife and burst the balloon afterwards,” Gerald claimed. This was later proved wrong by the witness, Katie Krahs. Katie said, “My daddy’s lying! All Charlie did was bite the balloon!” Nac Saap agreed with Katie after she finished. Gerald was then arrested for perjury and Charlie was put into dog jail for a month.

Alien Saves Great Barrier Reef! by KK

Marine biologists were checking if the Great Barrier Reef was doing well after the treatment they had given the coral. They found out that it did the exact opposite they wanted and almost 90% of the reef was now bleached! This is a 50% increase from the amount of bleaching yesterday. The area was clear of sea life.

But at noon today, a fish not observed by the scientists at that time squirted a trail of greenish goo from its fins that somehow changed the color of the reef back to normal! It took a while for the biologists to realize this happened while the fish was long gone into the depths of the ocean

Later that evening, they replayed video footage from cameras and saw the fish at its work. They found out that the fish was alien…

Its smart but its ugly by NC and MT

I knew that it was flightless
But too stout and too long
Too furry to be a bird
But with a neck like a swan
With a short tail like a penguin
And clever after college
But birds have very little knowledge
No one w...