Friday, June 21, 2024

Stolen Spotlight by LN

Caroline and her best friend, Hannah, walked through the halls of Gilop high school, heading towards their language arts class.

“I hope Mrs. Josie is back,” Hannah sighed. “Mr. Oporu is so annoying! He hates my writing. You know that I want to be an author, and his criticism is not helping my self-confidence.”

“I like him better. Mrs. Josie is so nice that she doesn’t give any feedback, and it drives me nuts!”

“Easy for you to say. You’re his favorite student!” Hannah whispered as they entered the classroom.

“I’m not sure about that…”

“Hey! My favorite student! Hi, Caroline! Oh, and hi, Hannah.”


“Hannah, he just didn’t see you,” Caroline smiled. “He greets everyone else that he sees the same way!”

“Caroline, don’t be modest. You know as well as I do that you’re his favorite student.” Hannah told her friend.

“Class, settle down. I have an announcement from Mrs. Josie. Please put your attention on me, because this is very important.” Mr. Oporu demanded. “Your teacher wanted me to tell you that one person in this class will be a published author. I will keep a ranking board over whose story is winning so far. But, your teacher, Mrs. Josie, will judge the final results. Everyone in the school will participate. The chances of you being a published author are very high, now. DON'T screw it up. That’s all. Now, today our class will read Moby Dick…”

“Caroline, this is my chance! I can publish a book!”

“Shh. I’m trying to listen.”

“Caroline, I’m going to publish a book! It’s a big deal. Don’t tell me to shush!”

“Hannah!!! Don’t be such a nuisance!!” Caroline screamed. Hannah pinked. The whole class stared at Hannah.

“Something wrong, Caroline? Come see me after class.”

“Yes, sir.” For the rest of class, Hannah and Caroline shot glares at each other.

After class, Caroline went up to Mr. Oporu and waited.

“Caroline, you are one of the best students I’ve ever had. You are an exceptional writer, especially considering you’re a 15-year-old freshman, so I wanted to tell you that I am a publisher. I’m on the hunt for talented writers. Mrs. Josie hired me so that she could have a break and one of you could get a published book. Well, the competition is a motive. You don’t need a motive. I want to publish your book, Elizabeth and Matt, a Love Tale. Do I have your permission?” Caroline sighed in relief. She had thought she was in trouble. But, even thoughiHannah’s dream was to be a writer, Caroline had also had the same dream.

“I’d love that! Thank you so much!”

“You’re very welcome. It’ll be published by tomorrow!”

“That’s so soon! I can’t wait!”

“Can you get the story from your desk?”

“Of course!” Caroline gushed. She went to her desk and got her story. Mr. Oposu was eating a bag of Cheetos when she got back, and his fingers were covered in cheese dust. Ew!

“Here you go!”

“Thanks again!” Suddenly, A ring tone went off. It was Hannah’s ringtone.

“Hannah?” Caroline asked, confused.

“Sorry! I needed to know if you were in trouble, and-”

“Hold on, Hannah.”

“No, go ahead! I’m all done.”

“Thanks, Mr. Oposu!”

When the two girls reached the Cafeteria for lunch, the girls had their conversation.

“You’re publishing a book? That’s my dream!”

“Sorry! But I'm allowed to publish a book, too. You're not the only one. Also, you were spying on me. Why?” Caroline and Hannah continued arguing, until they decided to both forgive each other.

The next day, Caroline bounced through the halls. Everyone was reading her book! It wasn’t until she opened her locker that she saw it. Her story had kindly been returned by Mr. Oposu, but the author's copy of the book had the name Hannah Smith on the cover.


Hannah walked with Caroline to the cafeteria.

“Hannah, why did you publish my book?”


“Look at this! Don’t act stupid. There’s proof right here!” Hannah grabbed the book and gasped.

“Caroline, I was jealous, but I would never do something like that. Especially not to you!” Caroline sighed, snatched the book, and stomped away.

Caroline got home and sighed. She took out the printed paper copy of her story. Then she noticed something. There was Cheeto dust on the paper. Caroline gasped.

“Oh no! It was Mr. Oposu! I can’t believe I wasn’t more suspicious. He appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly I’m published! I have to call Hannah!” Caroline realized. Hannah answered.


“Hannah! I’m so sorry. I need to tell you something…” Caroline told her the whole story.

“Well, the copy I bought says his name on it. He must have tricked you into thinking it was me so he could have the credit!”

“The nerve!”

“But we have no proof!”

“Yeah we do. The whole story is proof! So are the two different copies of the book, and my printed paper copy with the Cheeto dust.”

“Yeah! Let’s do this!” Hannah cried enthusiastically.

The two girls emailed the police. Mr. Oposu was arrested and the book was published as a book by Caroline Green. Summer had arrived, and Caroline and Hannah were walking in the park.

“I’m sorry I was so rude to you. I should have trusted you. You’re my best friend!” Caroline apologized.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry I was so jealous. I should have been happy for you.”

“It’s fine, Hannah.” Caroline beamed. They hugged each other.

“I have an idea!” Hannah exclaimed. “We should write a book together!” And that’s exactly what they did. They called it Stolen Spotlight. It was a story about them, and that’s the way it needed to be. After all, friendship is the most powerful thing in the world. And with it on your side, you can accomplish anything.

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