Friday, June 21, 2024

Piano and Piano Bench by SM

Piano (in a posh accent): I can’t even believe you sometimes! You’re over here, complaining about being sat on, and I’m the one that’s being repeatedly harassed by that five-year-old kid who just started playing piano! I swear, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve thought he was tone deaf…

Piano Bench (grumbling): You still get maintenance every six months. I’m lucky if someone wipes me once a year. I still have that chocolate milk stain on me from three years ago.

Piano (offended): Chocolate milk!? THAT’S YOUR WORST?! SOMEONE LEFT A HAPPY MEAL IN ME!

Piano Bench (quietly): Is it still there?

Piano (loudly): OF COURSE IT IS!

Piano Bench (hissing): Be quiet!


A loud A minor chord plays and echoes through the hallway. Piano suddenly notices that a five-year-old boy is staring at him with a lollipop in hand. The boy drops the lollipop, and he starts to cry loudly.

Piano (muttering): Serves him right.

Piano Bench glares pointedly at Piano.

Piano Bench (whispering): Now is not the time for this! You’re going to be burned if he tells!

Piano (smug): So you do care about me.

Piano Bench (surprised): Wha- That’s not the point! What am I without you? A piano bench is basically useless without a piano!

Piano (hushed): I can’t believe it. You finally admitted that I’m important!

Piano Bench (trying to change the subject): The kid’s still here. What are we going to do?

The five-year-old boy has stopped crying, and he picks up the lollipop. He runs out of the room to throw it away. He then comes back after washing and drying his hands, and starts playing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on Piano. He then stops playing and leaves.

Piano (surprised): You know, that… was actually better than usual.

Piano Bench (overjoyed): He didn’t draw on me today!

The boy comes back with his parents, and together, they all clean Piano and Piano Bench gently. The boy smiles while his parents take the Happy Meal out of Piano, and after they’re done, they leave the room silently.

Piano (touched): Wow. That was so nice of them.

Piano Bench: I feel fresher than I have in years!

Piano (brightly): Things are definitely starting to look up for us!

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