Thursday, June 20, 2024

Oreo and Milk by LN

OREO: I don’t know why they call me “Milk's favorite cookie.” Honestly, I’m not even your 50th favorite cookie.
MILK: Well, you dip your chocolate crumbles into my perfect velvety milk, and ruin it! You make me dirty and gross!
OREO: You’re already dirty and gross…
MILK: What did you just say?!
OREO: Nothing. Just… Cannonball!
MILK: Ah! Ah! Oreo, you’ve done it again! You’ve ruined my beautiful pureness.
OREO: Aha! I know your secret! You’re not real milk!
MILK: Y-yes I am. W-whatever are you talking about?
OREO: You’re almond milk!
MILK: And you’re a double stuf oreo!
OREO: You’re a liar!
MILK: We’re both imposters! We have that in common!
OREO: Maybe I could be almond milk’s favorite cookie?
MILK: I’d like that.


Pet Parrot Kills Owner's Friend! by KLB

The Miami police department was in distress this morning when twelve year old Matt Johnson was rushed into the hospital alongside his best friend, Lisa Smith–Johnson and Smith were ice skating and Johnson slipped onto the ice, crashing into Smith. Jim, Smith’s pet parrot who had tagged along, was ready to kill, seeing that his owner was hurt– he grabbed a very heavy rock with his talons and dropped it on Johnson’s head!

Johnson passed in the hospital at 10:57 a.m. The Miami police department is still figuring out the consequences for Jim the parrot.

Equal Rights For Women by VRM

Have you ever tried to join a group or game but have been rejected because you are female? That’s happened to me. When I was younger I would try to join football games at recess, but the boys would say that I couldn’t join because I was a girl and I was weak. But if I’m being honest, I was probably stronger and faster than most of the boys there. In the fifth grade, I was put in a group with all boys for a project. The boys gave me the easiest part of the project and didn’t let me add anything or suggest things for the project. When I asked them why, they said it was because I was a girl.

What happened to me probably isn’t as bad in comparison to what has happened to other women. Take Shirley Chisholm. She tried to run for the democratic nomination to become president of the U.S. in 1972 but faced resistance because she was a woman, and she was African-American. When people try to publish pieces of writing, sometimes they get rejected because the material isn’t what the publishers want. That is perfectly normal. But sometimes people don’t get things published because they are female. And that is exactly what infuriates me. People don’t realize how difficult things can be for women and girls. People portray women as weak and that “They belong in the kitchen.”

Think about jobs too. If a man and a woman work the same job, sometimes the man will get paid more than the woman! And they work the exact same job! Sometimes it goes deeper than that, like if the man got a raise and the woman didn’t. But usually it’s not. Even in sports women still get paid less even if the female version of the sport is more popular than the male version. Take the WNBA for instance. According to the website, the average WNBA salary was about $103,000 for this past season, but for the NBA, it was about $9.4 million. And the difference between the numbers only gets bigger when you look at top-tier players. Player Diana Taurasi makes about $235,000 a year compared to Stephen Curry who makes about $52 million this upcoming season.

Once when I was in 6th grade, I got dress coded just because the tiniest sliver of skin was showing from under my shirt. The teacher who dress coded me said that it was distracting for other students and told me I had to pull my shirt down further. I still cannot believe that that teacher would dress code me for something as stupid as that. The same thing happened to my friend that year, but her situation was much worse than mine had been. The teachers went as far as to send her home to change. At the elementary school I used to go to, tank tops and spaghetti straps were banned. I obviously understand that sometimes girls can go a little far with clothing, but tank tops should not be a stopping point. Girls should be able to wear the clothing that they want to wear, without having to worry about getting sent home to change or getting in trouble for what they are wearing. Boys on the other hand, never seem to worry about that kind of stuff. There was this one boy in my grade who had tucked the bottom of his shirt into the top of his shirt like a bikini, and he was just walking around the hallway! No teachers tried to stop him! So boys can get away with it, but girls can’t?

In conclusion, boys and girls, men and women, should all have the same rights and rules. Girls and boys should both get in trouble if they do the same thing wrong. They should all be paid the same money if they work the same jobs, because look, JK Rowling is a woman, and she is just rolling around in money. Francoise Meyers is also a writer, and she has an estimated net worth of US$94.9 billion. Women should not have to live a life where they are bossed around and depicted as a weakling and a maid. Because women are people too. And all people are equal.

The Maker of Things by KK

Hi said I, the Maker of Things.
I’ve made everything from shoes to strings!
Ask me what you want. I will make it for you.
But, you have to be good.
If not I can’t give you the thing you asked me for.
Was it a door?
Or another floor?
Or was it a pet boar that won’t bite anymore?
And think and think and think, because I only make one.
If I make and make and make, I will never ever be done.

Our Skit by VRM and LF

(Joe the thief steals pencil from Frank the police man)

Joe the thief: Ha ha ha! I stole the precious pencil!
Frank: Hey! Get back here you pencil thief! That’s MY pencil!
Joe: Catch me if you can! (Frank catches Joe by them arm) Darn!
Frank: You're going to jail.
(Frank throws Joe in jail which is behind the chair)
Frank: The only way you can get out of jail is by eating this poisonous cake.
(Frank grabs cake from Guy’s desk. Frank hands Joe the cake)
(Joe eats the cake)
Joe: Hey! That cake was really good! Do you have more of it?
Frank: Huh? That cake was poisonous! You're supposed to be dead!!!
Joe: All thieves build up an immunity to poison. Thanks for the cake!
(Joe walks out of prison)


Man dies to Brain-eating Alien After drinking Tap Water, Family sues for $100 million by SM

In a landmark case that has shocked the world, 51-year-old Sam Hall’s family sued the entire alien race for $100 million after Sam died in his home in Nebraska this last Sunday due to a rare species of brain-eating worm known as Satirius Mnemonia. Reportedly, his neighbors heard his screams and ran immediately into his home, and have chosen to not comment on his death.

Due to the overwhelming amount of pressure faced from people around the world, the Hall family decided to sue for damages, and the world is holding their breath to see how the aliens will respond to this. Their court appearance is scheduled on August 2, 2024, and Sam’s brother, Tom, shared more on why Sam was killed.

“There were rumors that Sam was somehow involved with the Illuminati, and the aliens sent us a message about it a couple weeks ago, threatening to kill him. We shrugged it off because that’s the kind of guy Sam is, y’know? He was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

When asked why they sued the entire alien race, he said, “The aliens can’t be trusted. Ever since they immigrated here in ‘87, they’ve been a nuisance. They always steal Little Johnny’s toys, and everyone’s had it with them!”
Tom’s wife, Becca, mysteriously disappeared after meeting an alien she was enamored with ten years ago, and Sam’s death marked the anniversary of when she left him.

“I think that the aliens are doing this on purpose. I mean, how many people have their wife of 20 years cheat on them with an alien guy?”

Suspicions have been arising worldwide about the possibility of many world leaders, especially the American president Kim Armarli, being part-alien ever since this case has gone off the rails. What will happen in trial remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: the world’s perspective on aliens will undergo a great deal of change.

Pill Commercial by VRM and LF

V: Introducing our latest Infinite Cure Pill that cures everything!
N: If you have butt cramps, headaches, vomiting issues, or any other type of sickness or disease, it will be instantly cured the moment you put this pill in your mouth!
V: N here from Mars will now demonstrate how well the pill works because right now she has a headache.
(N eats pill)
N: Ah… I feel so much better.
V: We want to keep everyone safe, so here are some safety precautions. Do not take if you are pregnant, or if you have hearing issues.
N: Also, do not take if you live on the planet Earth, if you are blind, if you have toes, or if you have hair.
V: Ugh I have a butt cramp. I really need to take that pill.
(V grabs pill)
N: Don’t eat it!! You live on Earth!!!
(V eats pill anyway;  dies instantly and falls down)

(Bow to audience)

Global Warming by AS

Saying global warming is a big problem would be right, but what causes it? The answer is us. Humans. People. We are the reason our world is like how it is and we can be the reason that it becomes how it was again. So why don't we do it? It's really simple actually. Our own ignorance is the reason that we have not taken action. It is true that many people believe that global warming is an issue. And it is true that there are people working to stop it but there are more than seven billion people on earth and most of them are contributing to these issues by polluting the planet. Some people are ruining the earth unintentionally. They pollute our planet because they think global warming is a government hoax!!! It is not. We have to take action against global warming or else it will end badly. The reasons that global warming exists in the first place are varied but a few big ones are that we are cutting down too many trees, we are releasing harmful gasses into the atmosphere, and we are polluting the planet with toxic waste and garbage!


Global warming brings warmer temperatures unnaturally which changes weather patterns and is risky for life on earth. These temperature changes cause changes in rainfall patterns which result in more severe storms that occur more often in some regions. In other places water becomes scarcer. Droughts stir sand and dust storms that move billions of tons of sand across continents. Because of this deserts are expanding and people have fewer places to grow crops. That along with the threat of not having enough water is truly a big risk for humankind. Other than that, global warming can impact human health because it makes water and air quality worse. It also causes sea levels to rise which is dangerous for communities near water and underwater and coastal ecosystems. Also as humans we release carbon dioxide or co2 into the atmosphere and breathe oxygen in. Algae is one of the earth's biggest sources of oxygen and by polluting our oceans it causes algae blooms which are not good for the earth or its people.


Global warming isn't going to disappear on its own. It really wont. We can't sit idle and expect somebody else to swoop in and do all of it because the truth is that it is just too big for one person to solve. Or even a large group of people. They can help but they can't do it all. Everybody has to help. Not one person. Not ten people. Not even one hundred-thousand people can do it. EVERYONE should help. You don't have to own an electric car or change your entire lifestyle. The absolute easiest thing would be to just recycle! Like, seriously. You can stop reading this essay, grab some recyclable things, walk over to a recycling bin, and put them in. it's literally that simple.

Crazy Hair by Vienna RM and NF

There was a woman with crazy hair,
Who had something in her hair, a pear!
She went to the barber,
Who worked near the harbor,
Instead of the pear, he found a hare!

Skit by SM, ABV, and NA

Will (sitting alone on a bench): I’m so lonely. I need someone to play with.
Emily (bursts in front of him): HI I’M EMILY!
Will stares at Emily, horrified.
Will (scared): What are you?
Will (confused): That’s… a pencil.
Will (jumps out of seat): WHAT IS THAT?!
Emily: IT’S A FROG!
Will (screaming): I HATE FROGS!
Will runs away. Emily chases him. They run into the woods.
Will (stamps his foot): Then DRAW. A. MAP!!!!
Will: (sighs) Jeez, I wonder where that came from.
Emily draws a map.
Will (snatches map): Seriously? This is a map of ANTARCTICA. How are we supposed to use this?
Emily (stutters): I-I DON’T KNOW!
Will: Do something!
Teacher (walks on stage): What are you two doing here?
Teacher (exasperated): You’re not even that far from the school. They ended up calling a search party for you.
Will (muttering): I’m so done with her…
Teacher: I’ll walk you two back. Come on, I don’t want you getting lost again.
They exit the stage from stage right.
All: The End

The Rain by VRM

I see the raindrops falling
As the leaves they come from sway.
I want to go and touch them
But they fall far away.

The wind shakes the rain all off trees
Coming and going in gusts like a sneeze.
The rain hits the ground making a splatter
But the ground is hard,
And won’t shatter.

The sun comes out
And I have no doubt
That the water on leaves will all melt away.
But rain will come again another day.

Magic Pencil Commercial by SM, ABV, and NA

Announcer: Have you ever been bored out of your mind wanting something desperately to cure your boredom? Does it feel like every new product or gadget fades into obscurity? Well, say no more to boredom with the (Holds up object) MAGIC PENCIL 2000 XL ++! For only half of your family’s souls, you can buy this new piece of extraordinary technology! For the rest of your family’s souls, you can buy the XL ++ EXPANSION PACK! It ensures that what you create will last forever, with 100 rolls of Magic Paper and the Seal of Immortality, but immortality is NOT FOR YOU. (Announcer hands pencil to Random Guy.)

Random Guy (walks into the center): My wife left me three years ago, but with the MAGIC PENCIL 2000 XL ++, I drew myself a new wife. It may have cost my mother, my father, my grandma’s, and my sister’s souls, but at least I have a wife now! FIVE STARS!

(Random Guy hands pencil to Random Girl.)

Random Girl (draws with Magic Pencil on piece of Magic Paper and pulls out Jumping Frog): My mom didn’t let me get a pet when I was younger, and my father left me when I was five. I was able to sell my mother’s soul for this pencil, and I was able to sell my father’s for Magic Paper! Now, I can draw my own pets. (Holds of Jumping Frog to show the audience.) FIVE STARS!

Announcer: As you can see, this amazing product will bring you happiness and satisfaction for years to come.

Voice-over (said as quickly as possible): Side effects of using this product include rashes, nausea, hyperventilation, anxiety, depression, vomiting, pneumonia, heart disease, and getting on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List.

Everyone: Get the MAGIC PENCIL 2000 XL ++ today!

Magic Remover Commercial by AS, SS, & MK

S and A standing next to each other facing the audience. They are both using markers. A accidentally colors on her clothes with a sharpie. She tries to wipe it off with a wet tissue but it doesn't work

A: aw shoot. I just got this hoodie yesterday. My mom is going to kill me
S: yea she probably will
A: you aren't helping! [sara grins]
M has been crouching on the ground out of sight from the audience
M: I know how to get sharpie off of clothes!!!
S: good. I know her mom and she's dead if that stuff doesn’t come off
M -[faces audience] The magic eraser gets any stain off your clothes!! Here, try it!!
A: [tries to rub th sharpie off and secretly peels off the paper] Wow!!! It works
M: The magic remover will take any stain off your clothes!! And there is an amazing sale going on at your nearest HD Store!! It is usually 100 dollars but for one week only you can get it for 5!!!

"Our Teacher Is Old and Grumpy!" by AS, SS, MK


Principal, Student 1, Student 2

[have students one and two mess up their hair; students standing next to each other facing front; principal enters from stage left holding ruler; principal starts repetitively smacking the ruler on their other hand ]

Principal: Do you know why you have been sent here?
Student 1: But we didn't do anything wrong
Student 2: We were just minding our own business
Principal: That's not what your teacher said
Student 1 (mutters): Our teacher is old and grumpy
Principal: what was that
Student 2 (loudly): Our teacher is bold and funny
Student 1 (giggles)
Principal gives them a side eye
Principal: Your teacher said that you were not following the dress code, your hair is a mess and your shirt is not tucked in. Those are violations of the dress code.

[ students attempt to tuck in their shirt and smooth their hair ]

Principal: As a punishment you should do 280 pushups and 2,500 wall sits.

[ as the students begin principal exits stage right; as soon as he\she is gone students run away from stage left]
[Principal realized and chases them with a ruler across the room; after all have exited stage they come back and say the end while bowing]