Friday, June 21, 2024

Road Construction by LN

Road construction is very annoying. The road has to be under construction for so long. Like, hurry it up, people! It doesn’t take 6 months to fix a road! Another thing: Pick ONE road, FINISH the project, THEN pick another road! Someone has to get it right once in a while. It’s not rocket science, only road science. It’s not even science! It's a simple thought. Thinking that some people need to use the roads would be courteous. Instead, they leave the closed signs up just to be mean. NOT COOL! Well, if I’m being honest, it’s not just road construction. I see outside my house, (since there is construction by my house,) that one person does all the work, and the others are just on their phones. They get paid to be on their screens! How is that fair? My parents go to work and would get fired if they got caught doing that. All of this “Oh, we’re special and perfect and we can get away with it” is just crap! It’s so annoying, and it HAS to stop! Also, by my house, there are about 5 roads under construction that have been under construction for 2 months so far, and not much is even done. There’s a car wash and dog groomers that’s been under construction for the same amount of time and it’s already done. It’s unbelievable. I hope it gets fixed soon, or my parents and I will probably complain to the company! This had better get fixed, or I’m going to go MAD. I’ll end up in a mental hospital because of road construction! File in the troops… It’s time to take charge! World War 3 will now begin! Justice will be served.

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