Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ostriches Are Better Than Emus by NC

Ostriches are better than emus! No you cannot change my mind they're stupid, they're cute and there just better.

Ostriches are proven to be nicer while emus have killed and injured many people. I'm not saying that emus are terrible things and should never exist, I'm just saying they're not my favorite in the slightest and I dislike them very much. According to https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/hwi/vol13/iss2/12/ emus kill 440 people a year while ostriches kill around 240 also according to https://backyardpoultry.iamcountryside.com/poultry-101/my-experience-raising-emus-they-make-great-pets/ and i quote “male emus are tamer than females. They have the brooding instinct therefor they tend to be friendlier”

As i said in the 2 paragraph emus tend to be meaner and not as good pets.

Ostriches are better because even though they may be more violent they are more help full for transportation and for feathers and tend to be more cute also ostriches can protect you from danger with there fast speeds like a lion and good eyesight to see there predators also all of these facts came from https://www.al.org.au/ostrich-emu-farming#:~:text=Both%20have%20very%20primal%20responses,nature%20%5B4%2C%205%5D.

Emus are better than ostriches is what a lot of people say but maybe emus are better because they are nicer more people like them also they enjoy human contact more and when having contact with humans from a young age they tend to love humans more than so they just end up being more loved not as useful and just as cute.

In conclusion emus and ostriches are pretty similar but now research changed my mind. I now feel that emus are better and more kind. I hope you enjoyed my story the end.

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