Friday, June 21, 2024

The Search by ED

One warm morning on Fremont street, Charlie was sitting on the big fluffy couch in his apartment living room doing his homework from Summer School. Then his dog came over and started barking. And Charlie knows that his dog only barks when there is something wrong.

Charlie asked his dog, whose name is Biscuit, “what’s wrong?”

Biscuit tilted his head toward Charlie’s room and Charlie followed him down the hallway while thinking what is wrong? When Charlie reached his room he understood why his dog was barking. Charlie’s bed was flipped over and there was a note on the underside of it. He slowly reached out and took the note and opened it. It said,

Dear friend, You have been invited to join our search to find the missing pegasus. This organization currently has five people in it. We would like you to join because we want all the help we can get and we chose you because we know that you like to solve mysteries and we also know that you hate summer school. Charlie did really hate summer school. If you would like to join the search, please leave a note on the door of your apartment. Charlie had mixed feelings about joining this secret organization. Biscuit now had left the room to eat some of his snacks. Charlie was still not sure because they didn’t give enough information so Charlie left a note on the front door of his apartment that asked for more information.

Then he went back downstairs to do more homework.

The next morning the first thing that Charlie did before going to Summer school was check the door. Sure enough there was a new letter on the door and the letter that Charlie sent was not there. On the bus, Charlie sat in his own seat and silently read the letter. The only thing that the letter said was We will tell you more until you get to the secret base. For Charlie he thought that now things were getting a bit more interesting.

That night, Charlie sat on his bed writing a short message that had two words, and those two words were I’ll join.

The next morning, the note on the door said We are glad that you joined my friend, meet us at the playground across the street from your apartment.

Charlie didn’t know how to feel when he was setting out to find the secret base.

When he was going to open the door, his mother asked from the kitchen, “where are you going my dear?” “I’m going to the park to play with my friends.” Charlie lied “okay, bye honey” his mom said “bye” Charlie said before opening the door and starting to walk towards the park. When Charlie reached the park, he saw a black cloaked figure holding a flashlight waiting for him standing next to the bench. “Hello my friend, my name is Will” the figure said and then held out his hand.

Charlie just stared at Will and then eventually said “my name is Charlie”.

Then Will said “ follow me” and with that he lifted up the bench revealing a staircase that descended into the darkness.

Will started walking down and Charlie followed. When their heads were fully underground, Will said “stop” and slid the bench back in place. As soon as the bench was in place, lights turned on revealing probably the most beautiful staircase Charlie has ever seen, The walls were marble and the railings were rimmed with diamonds. Charlie gasped and Will said “I know right, it’s beautiful but this is only part of the hideout. When the staircase ended, they emerged into a room, well you could call it that if the ceiling wasn’t as high as the world’s tallest castle. There were multiple crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a huge T.V with like ten massage chairs in front of the massive T.V. Will said “this is our lounge room”. Charlie was still speechless, still looking around the room. There were multiple tables with a lot of delicious tapestries.

Let me show you to your room. ‘Wait, hold up, I’m going to live here?” Charlie asked. “Yes, you are,” Will answered. Charlie then said “But I don’t want to” “But you have to, because now that you have agreed to join the search, you have to search much more than a few hours every day. Charlie didn’t want to leave his parents behind but he did want to see a pegasus in real life and he also really wanted to figure out stuff more than going to summer school so Charlie decided to stay. “I’m going to stay,” Charlie said. “Great now let's get going on the tour shall we?” Will asked. He led Charlie down a hallway with doors with names carved into the door. When they reached the door that said Charlie, Will opened the door and Charlie stepped inside. The room was beautiful. There was a desk, a living room, a bedroom with probably like a king sized bed. The bathroom had a hot tub and a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool. There was a shower right by the bathtub.

The living room had a T.V and a huge couch. There was a massage chair next to the couch.

The floor was polished wood. There was a little crystal chandelier in the center of the living room but the lack of windows still made the room feel not right but it was still very nice. “There are already clothes in your closet and you are required to wear this badge everyday” Will said while reaching into his pocket and pulled out a badge that had Charlie’s name embroided on it. Charlie grabbed the badge and pinned it to his shirt. Then Will said “Tomorrow meet us at the lounge in the morning and breakfast will be served.

And with that, Will left Charlie’s room and closed the door behind him.

Then Charlie took a bath in the hot tub and then headed for the closet. The clothes that were inside all had a picture of a pegasus on it. Charlie changed into the pajamas that were provided and then Carlie climbed onto the couch and watched some T.V before going to bed.

The next morning in the lounge room Charlie ate breakfast with a couple of other dudes whose names were Tom, Jack, Jason and Reid. When everyone was done eating. Will walked in and said “Everyone, today we have a new member of the search and his name is Charlie”. Then Will asked Charlie “can you please tell the rest of the group about yourself”. Charlie said “Hi everybody, my name is Charlie and I am ten years old”

Then Will said “Welcome to the search”. Then Will said that everyone was dismissed. After everyone filed out, Will told Charlie “They’re going to work on packets, the packets are what you fill out and then hand to me and then I gather that information to figure out clues to find the missing pegasus. Charlie was then sent to his room with a packet and a pencil. The questions on the packet were like, Do you know a very tall building in New York City? Charlie wrote about the World Trade Center and Empire state building for his answer. When Charlie finished his packet, he went to find Will’s room.

And when he reached it he knocked and Will answered “come in” Charlie turned the door handle and stepped into the gleaming room and went over to Will’s desk and found him sorting through papers. Charlie handed Will his packet and Will said “thank you and now you may have a snack in the lounge room.

Charlie went to the lounge room and chose to take a bag of chips and a can of Coke.

The first thing that Charlie did when he arrived at his room was crash onto the couch and watch T.V while munching on his snack. When Charlie was done eating, his door opened and Will poked his head in and said follow me we are going to play some dodgeball. Instead of going towards the lounge Will led me down the opposite side of the hallway to a shelter which had a football field, tennis court, Ice rink and a trampoline park with a line in the middle. There Jason and Jack were already jumping around in the trampoline park. When they saw Charlie, they said “Hi Charlie, are you ready to play some dodge ball with the rest of the group?” “Sure but where are th…” before he finished his sentence two people came marching in. Apparently their names were Reid and Tom and they were obviously deep in conversation but as soon as they saw the rest of the group staring at them, they stopped and were about to apologize but before they could start,WIll held out his hand to stop them and said “No worries, Now does everyone here know how to play dodgeball?” “Yes” everyone said at the same time. “Well then let's get started, and I will play, so who are our team captains?”

Later that afternoon when they finished lunch, everyone got new packets and headed to their rooms. The new packet had the same type of questions as the other one and when he finished he went to Will’s room and was about to knock but then he saw a slit in the door and above it, it said, insert packet here. So Charlie slid his packet through the slit and a few seconds later he heard Will call out from his room “Thanks Charlie, now go get a snack.” Charlie chose to eat the same as last time he took a break. That night Charlie thought about how much he had accomplished in the last two days. When he first arrived, he felt like he didn’t belong and now Charlie felt that he kind of did.

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