Thursday, June 20, 2024

Global Warming by AS

Saying global warming is a big problem would be right, but what causes it? The answer is us. Humans. People. We are the reason our world is like how it is and we can be the reason that it becomes how it was again. So why don't we do it? It's really simple actually. Our own ignorance is the reason that we have not taken action. It is true that many people believe that global warming is an issue. And it is true that there are people working to stop it but there are more than seven billion people on earth and most of them are contributing to these issues by polluting the planet. Some people are ruining the earth unintentionally. They pollute our planet because they think global warming is a government hoax!!! It is not. We have to take action against global warming or else it will end badly. The reasons that global warming exists in the first place are varied but a few big ones are that we are cutting down too many trees, we are releasing harmful gasses into the atmosphere, and we are polluting the planet with toxic waste and garbage!


Global warming brings warmer temperatures unnaturally which changes weather patterns and is risky for life on earth. These temperature changes cause changes in rainfall patterns which result in more severe storms that occur more often in some regions. In other places water becomes scarcer. Droughts stir sand and dust storms that move billions of tons of sand across continents. Because of this deserts are expanding and people have fewer places to grow crops. That along with the threat of not having enough water is truly a big risk for humankind. Other than that, global warming can impact human health because it makes water and air quality worse. It also causes sea levels to rise which is dangerous for communities near water and underwater and coastal ecosystems. Also as humans we release carbon dioxide or co2 into the atmosphere and breathe oxygen in. Algae is one of the earth's biggest sources of oxygen and by polluting our oceans it causes algae blooms which are not good for the earth or its people.


Global warming isn't going to disappear on its own. It really wont. We can't sit idle and expect somebody else to swoop in and do all of it because the truth is that it is just too big for one person to solve. Or even a large group of people. They can help but they can't do it all. Everybody has to help. Not one person. Not ten people. Not even one hundred-thousand people can do it. EVERYONE should help. You don't have to own an electric car or change your entire lifestyle. The absolute easiest thing would be to just recycle! Like, seriously. You can stop reading this essay, grab some recyclable things, walk over to a recycling bin, and put them in. it's literally that simple.

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